Thursday, January 17, 2013

The harder I want it, the harder it is!

So...I'm trying to lose weight. The more I think about it, the more I want to eat. The more I say "I'm cutting back on sugar," the more I crave the cookies. The more depressed I get over what the scale says in the morning, the more I stuff my sorrows with carbs. Not good. What do I do?

I could get spiritual, but I won't. You know, quote Paul and stuff.

 I'm beginning to think this is so that I will have more compassion for people who have addictions, but can't quit. I've always thought it was just a matter of "doing it", having the will-power, mind over matter, that kind of thing. But seriously, I'm struggling. I have a headache every day, my hip is aching constantly (having to bear all this weight, obviously), and my clothes are too tight.

So, off to the gym I go. Again.

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