Saturday, September 1, 2012

September 1

I love the first of every month. I almost feel like I do at New Year's. It's a new start. The calendar isn't full yet (although this month does have more on it than last!) and the page isn't ripped at the top where it hangs from the nail. I also feel like the start of every month is another chance for me to meet my goals. I get re-energized and motivated. It doesn't matter how I did last month, this is a new chance for me to try again. I guess that's the optimist in me.

So today I start again. I have made progress in the past month, but there is more to do. I cleaned house, got caught up in the accounting, worked out, played on the trampoline with Micah, and spent time playing a new game with the family (ever heard of Quelph? it's a good one!).

My job starts on Tuesday. I look forward to welcoming new students. I want to be a better teacher this year, so I've done some professional reading on the importance of play for everyone, and especially for young students. Did you know that big techie companies want to know whether their employee applicants played as a child and what they played? Children who have a lot of play experience are better problem solvers and socially equipped. Studies of many people in prison have shown a common lack of playtime in their childhood. So, rather than just push a bunch of "learning outcomes" down my students' throats, I need to let them play, explore and interact with each other. That will be a challenge for me. I'm goal oriented, as you havc probably noticed, so to let the control go of what is to happen in my class is intimidating. I'll try, though! I'll let you know how it turns out.

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