Friday, April 26, 2013

Sermon #3 - "when did we see you...?"

Last Sunday's sermon, in fact the whole service, was brought to us courtesy of our youth group! (I love my youth group!) They fashioned the service to mimic a regular youth evening. It was good. And then we had a Bible study like they have. They wanted us to study the same passage they had recently studied. So we heard the scripture passage read a few times and then we had some questions to guide our own reflections. We talked about these reflections after and they shared what they had discovered in the passage.

The scripture passage used was Matthew 25:31-46. This is the story of the separation at the judgment of the goats from the sheep, with each group asking why they were placed in that particular group. The reason? It all had to do with how they treated the less fortunate they met....the sheep acted in compassion when they saw someone hungry, naked, thirsty, etc. The interesting thing for me here was that these people did not do it as something for Christ. They just did it and it was Jesus who said it had been done for him. And based on those actions alone, Christ gives them eternal life. The "goats," on the other hand, are relegated to eternal punishment because they did not DO those things to the "least of these."

As a congregation, we were given a few guiding questions to direct our thoughts and conversations with people around us. One of those questions was "What about this text makes you uncomfortable?" "Plenty!" was my thought! Why are people judged just for their actions? What about their beliefs? How much actions are enough to be considered a sheep? How little makes you a goat? Who are the least of these? I can't do it all! Is giving money to causes such as the food bank considered feeding someone? Or how about giving money to MCC for giving homes to others? Do I have to do it directly?

Another question was what we would add to the list if actions Jesus lists. That was interesting. My response is included with the list compiled below.

when I felt no one cared you gave me a place to belong.
when my home was shabby and falling apart you helped me improve and make it cheerful.
I was young and you listened to me.
I was old and you honoured me.
I needed money for school and you sent some for me.
I needed a phone call when I was sick and you called me.
when I was hooked on drugs, cigarettes, and liquor you sent volunteers to visit, comfort, and show love.
when I told you I was gay, you welcomed me.
I was bullied and you stepped in.
I was depressed and you encouraged me.
I was invisible and you saw me.
I was untouchable and you embraced me.
When I was mocked, you stood up for me.

Boy, if we as a church follow through on these, we will change our community! Are you up for the challenge? I hope I am.

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