Thursday, October 11, 2012

The Power of Words

A very sad story is in the news today. A young girl from the lower mainland has committed suicide, shortly after making a you tube video about the bullying abuse she had suffered over the past few years. The bullying, although it did include some physical altercations, was mainly through the power of words, especially using social media.

Unfortunately, many of the comments following the video continue the abusive tone and I can see why she figured life just wasn't worth it anymore, if even the video she made to help others like herself was used as a catalyst for further mockery.

The you tube video is well worth watching. Here's the link:

This makes me stop and think. How do I use words? Do the people around me (my husband, my children, my students, the cashier) find my words uplifting or destructive? Do I give hope and joy to others or do I cut them down. I do have a sharp, satirical wit at times; could it be construed as hurtful?

My deliberate living will have to include careful speech. "May the words of my acceptable in your sight, oh God."

1 comment:

  1. wow. what an incredibly sad, sad story. it is a good reminder to not be flippant with our words. i always think of that passage in matthew 12 where Jesus says we'll have to give an account for every idle word spoken. makes you want to be mute, doesn't it?
